
Ambiguous Grief

At BFO-MR we focus specifically on loss related to death. However, we respect and acknowledge that loosing someone is not always as clear cut as we may think. Some unfortunately, grieve the loss of a loved one in which there is no body to include in a funeral. Furthermore, this type of loss like many others, includes many unanswerable questions such as “why” and “what if” which makes the thought of starting the grief journey a struggle and perhaps even a myth. This theme  has been highlighted within the media with regards to the recent tragedy of the missing Malaysian Airline.  It is a scary thought for everyone, but is especially difficult for the families and friends that are currently waiting for answers. Based on this theme, we have two articles written by researcher Pauline Boss, who is the founder of the ambiguous loss theory. In short, this theory explores the idea of grieving through the lack of closure and uncertainties. These articles show that each loss is unique. At Bereaved Families Midwestern Region our goal is that no one will need to walk alone on their grief journey.

The Trauma and Complicated Grief of Ambiguous Loss- Boss 2010

Ambiguous Loss Research Theory and Practic Rflections after 911-Boss 2004