Third-party fundraising proposal Thank you for your interest in planning a fundraiser in support of Bereaved Families of Ontario – Midwestern Region! Before you put your plan into action, please complete this form. We look forward to hearing about your wonderful ideas. Not sure yet what you’d like to do? Contact us at and we’d be happy to chat it through with youName(Required) First Last Address(Required) Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Phone(Required)Email(Required) Have you received support through Bereaved Families of Ontario – Midwestern Region?(Required) Yes No I haven’t, but someone I know has Tell us about your fundraiserHow is your fundraiser being hosted? In-person Online Date (or date range) of your fundraiser(Required)Time of your fundraiser(Required)Location of your fundraiser (venue or online platform)(Required)Please provide a brief description of your event or initiativeDo you require BFO-MR staff at your fundraiser?(Required) Yes No Maybe Would you like BFO-MR program literature at your fundraiser?(Required) Yes No Will you require tax receipts for donors to your event?(Required) Yes No BFO-MR only issues tax receipts for donations of $20 or more, and where complete contact information is provided (full name and mailing address)Do you want BFO-MR to promote your fundraiser on our website and through our social media accounts?(Required) Yes No Will the BFO-MR name and/or logo appear in your promotional materials and/or communications activities?(Required) Yes No How are you planning on promoting your event?Is there anything else you'd like us to know?Third-Party Fundraising Guidelines Acknowledgment(Required) Yes, I have reviewed and understand the Third-Party Fundraising Guidelines