Introducing our new logo
Throughout our 25+ year history, we have evolved from primarily supporting parents grieving the death of a child, to offering a variety of programs reflective of the grief experiences of a broader population of people. Through our equity, diversity and inclusion work, it has become clear that our logo – the visual representation of who we are – was no longer reflective of us as an organization, or the community we serve.
We also recognize that the definition of family is more expansive than parents and children and unique to a person’s relationships and circles of support – their chosen family.
With these things in mind, we are pleased to launch an updated logo that we feel is more hopeful, modern and connected to BFO values.
In alignment with other affiliates across the province, we adopted butterflies in our logo to symbolize hope and the evolution we experience as we move through our grief. Our decision to have a collection of butterflies reflects our vision that that no one should be alone on their grief journey.
We know that a new logo is one small step on our equity journey, but a step in the right direction towards ensuring that anyone and everyone who wants peer grief support and community connection can get it.
You will soon start to see our new logo in online spaces, and we will be updating our materials as items need to be reprinted. We are incredibly grateful to have received design services for our new logo donated in-kind from Stenna Berry, a wonderful friend of BFO who has helped us bring professionlism to our brand over the last six years.
Please join us in celebrating our new look and the continued growth of BFO!