
My journey with BFO-MR

In October 2011 I gave birth to our first child, Elias. His birth was different from most other births, his birth was silent. Elias was born stillborn, but still born…

Totally unexpectedly his little heart had stopped beating.

The immense grief hit us a few days after his birth, once the shock slowly settled in. It took me a few weeks, even months, to reach out for help. I contacted BFO-MR. We had just found out we were expecting our second child and I knew I needed guidance on that (to me extremely scary) journey of pregnancy.

I joined the subsequent pregnancy group and found understanding and support in a way that I could have never imagined. I made true friends… When our second son Noah turned one I started to volunteer with BFO-MR and helped out with the annual Butterfly Walk to Remember. What a good feeling to be able to pay back!

I was signed up to take the facilitator training that fall, but I miscarried our third baby at only five weeks, a very different loss from our first. Yet again BFO-MR was there to support me. I got pregnant really quickly after, but once again I miscarried, this time at 12 weeks, and again a very different experience from our previous losses. This time I was SO thankful for the people I had met at BFO-MR previously, who were there again.

We took a break… After a few months we found out I was pregnant for the fifth time. In the meantime testing had been done, and I was taking medications to hopefully help bring our baby safely into this world.

Once again I joined the subsequent pregnancy group and found wonderful support and met women I am sure I will have in my life for many years to come. Our son Jonah was born safely into this world in December 2014.

While pregnant with Jonah I completed the facilitator training and I am very excited to finally be able to give back what no one could ever pay for…

Tina, Member and Volunteer