Death of a sibling

Resources for Sibling Grief


  • My Brother JordanFour years after Jordan’s death, Justin set out on an 8 year journey to bring his brother’s story to life. With the help of 102 interviews and 300+ home videotapes, equalling 450+ hours of footage, “My Brother Jordan” chronicles Jordan’s life and death and paints the bond of brotherhood between Jordan and Justin Robinson.



  • The Empty Room: Surviving the Loss of a Brother or Sister at Any Age by Elizabeth DeVita-Raeburn

Books for children

  • Always My Brother by Jean Reagen (for ages 6- 11)
  • A Birthday Present for Daniel by Juliet Rothman (for ages 3-9)
  • The Empty Place – A Child’s Guide Through Grief by Roberta Temes (for ages 3-8)
  • Losing Someone You Love: When a Brother or Sister Dies by Elizabeth Richter (True stories written by surviving siblings age 10-24. For all ages.)
  • Thumpy’s Story by Nancy C. Dodge (for ages 3-8)
  • Last Week My Brother Anthony Died by Martha Whitmore Hickman
  • The Secret Pond by William H. Brubacher (for ages 9 & up)